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Audi Airomorph Concept

  • 时间:2014-08-15 12:30
  • 来源:carbodydesign
  • 作者:Reprint

The project was sponsored by Audi AG, and developed by Eric Kim at the company’s headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany, under the supervision of Kris Vancoppenolle.

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Model

Speaking about the main idea behind the concept, Eric explains: “Mimicking the catamaran fundamentals of racing I wanted to pursue a similar approach in my Le Mans Concept.”

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Model

The body consists of a single sheet of cloth layered over its frame, cocooning  the driver in an ultra-modern cabin.

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Model

The skin is made of a silver expansion-resistant textile, which has the capability to stretch across movable metal wires controlled by hydraulic attuators. This allows the body to have a continuous motion and achieve the best driving conditions possible.

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Panel

Each wheel pod placement has a cable attached to it. These cables are highly durable and can be increased and decreased in size, like a coiled spring, thus allowing the body shape morphing.

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Sketch Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Sketch

Eric comments: “Having the great opportunity to collaborate with Jenns Mooler in the Aerodynamics/Engineering Department, we worked together to create the best possible solution of a blown diffuser that is not only functional but atheistically pleasing as well.”

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Sketch

Audi Airomorph Concept - Design Panel

“Projekt: Airomorph” was sponsored by Audi AG and the model was assembled by Design Center California.

Audi Airomorph Concept - Rendering

About the Designer

Eric Kim is a recent graduate (spring 2014 semester) from the Art Center College of Design in Passadena, CA.
